
AGORA VETPro 4.0: Advanced Guidance for Recognition of Opportunities and Attractiveness for VET Professionals 4.0
EU-Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for VET
Coordination: Business Foundation for Education (BFE) (Bulgary)
Duration: January 2022 – January 2024
The AGORA VETPro 4.0 project is an innovative, reality-driven response to a challenge that CEDEFOP highlights more precisely: “Vocational education and training has a poor reputation. Moreover, the discourse on tertiary education continues to favour university education over VET, which increases its unattractiveness. VET needs to be an attractive and credible alternative option to mainstream routes if it is to attract and retain the right students.
The project addresses the need to strengthen the recruitment and professional development of its main target group, which includes VET teachers and trainers, mentors, practitioners and HR and to ensure their motivation to become ambassadors of the possibilities that the VET system offers to young people, thus promoting attractive VET as a career pathway leading to increased employability and better professional fulfilment of young people.
The planned efforts and the results of the AGORA VETPro 4.0 project that will be produced: Competence Profile and Code of Conduct, Training Programme and Talks and App, will result in increased self-confidence and acquired competences.
Project Nº 2021-1-BG01-KA220-VET-000034880
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.