

European Wetlands Ambassador

EU-Programme: Erasmus+ Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for VET
Coordination: Communauté de communes du Sud-Corse (France)

Duration: November 2019 – April 2022


Education is a powerful tool to prepare societies for the global challenges that climate change brings. Education has two obvious effects on the fight against climate change. Firstly, it impacts individuals’ general awareness of the issue, and secondly, it determines how enabled they are to develop the necessary solutions and innovations to overcome climate change.

However, there is an alarming gap between awareness and action on climate change. To bridge this gap, ACTION develops a holistic framework to boost the acquisition and development of global and transversal skills on climate change related topics, among VET providers, local authorities and NGOs. ACTION partners truly believe that climate change education must consider the need to provide educators and community leaders and professional with learning opportunities and up-to-date facts, new and innovative training processes, cutting-edge resources and digital era tools, to better empower their learners and citizens as ‘agents of change’ and promote closer links between education and local communities.

In order to achieve the designated goal, ACTION will

(1) Develop a culture of sustainability, creating the background so organisations can define and implement suitable action plans to act on climate change education

(2) Upskill the educators and community leaders with competences that has the required impacts in how climate change can be taught and integrated into targeted VET sectors (i.e. Tourism, Health and Energy) but also in community-based actions

(3) Provide a set of innovative and cutting-edge training curriculum and educational resources, available in digital and open media, to empower educators, community leaders, learners and citizens

(4) Boost European dimension and cooperation, through the participation of nine countries representing various regions who are experiencing climate change´s impacts and organisation of two transnational experience exchanges with peers and

(5) Engage associated partners, experts and key stakeholders in development, validation, dissemination and mainstreaming actions, through the local working groups and multiplier events.

Project Nº 2019-1-FR01-KA202-062930

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.