Overcoming future anxiety among young people through Raising Awareness on Career Opportunities and fostering Self Confidence
EU-Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Youth
Coordination: Institut Regional d’Insertion Professionnelle et Sociale (France)
Duration: September 2022 – January 2024
The employment shock resulting from the pandemic struck young people most severely of all age cohorts: more workers aged 15–24 years lost their jobs and were put on furlough than those in older age groups. Two factors exposed younger workers to job loss: nearly half are employed on temporary contracts, which are easily terminated; and a disproportionate share work in sectors that were closed by government mandate – hospitality, retail and the arts. (Living and Working Conditions, Eurofound,2021).
Believe in YOUth aims to:
- Inform youth about career opportunities and help them to reintegrate into training and employability levels by fostering their self confidence, providing role-models and providing roadmaps;
- Increase the skills of youth centre workers in this regard.
Concrete results of the project:
- A structured set of competencies and Training Contents based on EU standards and methods on Future Anxiety on Young people and dealing ways (Career Management Toolkit).
- A comprehensive guide for introduction to sector-based and transversal skills with collaborative activities (Transversal Skills Based Career Guide).
- A new ICT-based educational tool with Open Educational Resources and Insight Bank for Learners and Youth Center Trainers (User interaction based e-Learning Platform).
Project Nº 2022-2-FR02-KA220-YOU-000102180
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.