


Coding for Migrant Women Returners


EU-Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education
Coordination: School of Coding Limited (UK)

Duration: september 2020 – August 2023



The project C4MWR aims to support those who work in adult education and community development work and provide services to migrant women who are potential returners into the labour market by acquiring and developing skills in Coding, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. There will be a focus on upskilling these front line workers in fun and game-inspired, non-formal educational methods in the area of coding. The project will present innovative methods of utilising methodologies to help increase access to affordable, high quality and relevant skills training in the digital age.

The project method includes the development of three main outputs:

    1. A hands-on fun-packed training curriculum and workshops with non-formal approaches to Coding, A.I. and Robotics; learning by building and Coding Robots and understanding A.I. through gamification in a non-formal and fun environment. 
    2. A set of resources for adult educators on how to stimulate interest in coding, A.I, and robotics and how to support the introduction of these topics through non-formal educational methods– This will help professionals in adult education to develop their own skills base.
    3. A Methodology and Implementation strategy that promotes cross-sectoral dialogue and the involvement in the community development sector, in terms of supporting the training of staff, managers, and educators at a local and regional level.
Project Nº 2020-1-UK01-KA204-079231

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.