Financial and Economic literacy of Migrant women for ENtrepreneurship INclusion
EU-Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education
Coordination: ASPIRE, London, United Kingdom
Duration: September 2018 – August 2021
Financial literacy is complementary with other skills more related with business management, including the economical skills. The combination of both types of skills can contribute to increase the survival rate of start-ups and business promoted by migrant women. Also, by improving financial literacy, other foundational life skills such as numeracy and literacy, communication and digital skills or information searching skills will also be improved which, in turn, will improve confidence, generate good income and help migrant women to alleviate possible situations of exclusion and gain equal education and labour opportunities.
The aim of FEMENIN project is to support adult education teachers and trainers to provide high quality learning opportunities in Financial and Economic literacy to migrant women, tailored to their needs and specifically designed to support their social and labour Inclusion through Entrepreneurship. The project will develop innovative OER and ICT-based methods and tools to improve the adult educator´s competences in teaching Financial and Economic literacy, numeracy and digital competences to migrant women.
Project Nº 2018-1-UK01-KA204-048234
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.