
GET THERE – Journey to employment. Developing Employability Skills for Young People in the 21st Century Workplace
EU-Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Coordination: ASDAN (United Kingdom)
Duration: September 2015 – August 2017
Young people across Europe continue to face high levels of unemployment. In order to face this reality, “effective training programmes need to be accessible to all young people in order to ensure that they have the necessary skills to apply to a variety of positions in the EU. One of the main priorities of the EU must be to ensure that there are prospects for growth and provide employment to young Europeans” (EC Vice-president Antonio Tajani, Industry and Entrepreneurship, 2011).
The Get There – Journey to Employment project was designed under the Erasmus+ European programme. The Get There project seeks a solution to the needs identified above, by addressing the issue of youth unemployment and developing better employability skills for the target group in each partner country and the wider European Union.
Using an innovative curriculum model as well as a proven learning methodology, the project will look to offer the target group an effective programme for moving into employment.
The project will focus on two innovative methodologies and tools:
- Employability Skills Support Book (ES) – an innovative curriculum focused on developing employability skills from ASDAN, a UK Awarding Body.
- Mentoring Programme (MP) from Europeace Youth (Diagrama) based in the UK.
Main aims and objectives of the project
- To carry out a survey of the most necessary employability skills in each partner country.
- To produce an in-depth report on the employability needs in each partner country.
- To train participants to deliver employability workshops in each partner country for unemployed young people or those in need of more developed employability skills.
- To produce handbooks in each partner language to help trainers deliver the Get There programme.
- To promote the Get There training to other partner organisations as part of a sustainable project.
- To produce free online resources in each partner language to support the delivery of the programme.
Project Nº 2015-1-UK01-KA202-013608
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.