Supporting creative solutions to sustain artists working in the gig economy
EU-Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education
Duration: March 2021 – February 2023
Gigging-4-Living works to support performing artists – musicians, dancers, and actors – to develop their business skills so that they can build successful and sustainable careers in the creative sector – making use of the multitude of digital platforms that can support their career in a post-pandemic economy. Gigging-4-Living is working to support performing artists – musicians, dancers, and actors – to develop their business skills so that they can build successful and sustainable careers in the creative sector – making use of the multitude of digital platforms that can support their career in a post-pandemic economy.
In order to achieve these goals, GIGGING-4-LIVING will develop a training curriculum that will have specific modules tailored to the needs of 3 these distinct groups -musicians; dancers, and actors. The 12 modules will be tailored to suit the needs and address the opportunities for each of these sub-sets of the performing arts sector that still pertain despite the impact of Covid-19.
GIGGING-4-Living will also provide a toolkit of resources that focuses on building resilience to promote positive mental health within the performing arts sector. These resources address issues like anxiety, low self-esteem, loneliness and self-confidence.
As the key training and education channel for aspiring performing artists adult educators will be supported with a comprehensive in-service training programme that looks at 3 distinct elements, namely;
- Building an understanding of opportunities for performing artists in today’s digital economy;
- Building the skills of adult educators to promote resilience within the performing arts sector;
- Building the digital skills of adult educators to work in remote learning environments and to develop interactive resources for online use.
Project Nº 2020-1-IE01-KA227-ADU-082953
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.