Promoting mobility for improvement in education
EU-Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for School Education
Coordination: Aspire (United Kingdom)
Duration: November 2019 – April 2022
Global Local looks to explore and challenge the idea that outward mobility is only accessible to a minority of young people from privileged backgrounds. Whilst many opportunities for mobility exist within Erasmus and HE, the problem is that these experiences are far too daunting for students who have never left their local area.
For many leaving the familiarity of their (often quite small) local area for any kind of learning or work opportunity is a stumbling block with multiple barriers (financial, emotional, social) to overcome. Such attitudes usurp any of the career development, confidence building and growth opportunities of mobility, failing to acknowledge it as a key part of transition for all students.
Teachers and career professionals in school need support in addressing the issue from an early stage so that they are able to inform both the young people and their main influencers (parents etc) of the personal and professional benefits of being able to thrive in another city, region or potentially another country.
Partners will look to harness digital advancements, in particular, in the use of game-based learning, to develop an interactive tool which allows young people to immerse themselves in mobility in a way they never have before, all in the safety of the school environment. This will include engaging with different ways of overcoming barriers to mobility (e.g. finances, transportation, social/emotional). It will also offer a fresh perspective and an entry point into discussions around broadening horizons and raising aspirations more generally – either by understanding local, regional, national or international labour markets (e.g. how) or looking at the benefits of mobility in terms of self-confidence and personal development.
Thus, the focus of project outputs will be on positively engaging with the idea of travel and mobility as a key part of career transitions. The project will challenge stereotypes and attitudes and, as a result, young people will be both more confident about employment opportunities outside of their local areas and be better informed to make career and education decisions that may involve moving to another city, region or country.
Project Nº 2019-1-UK01-KA201-061960
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.