

Building the capacity of VET providers and private entities to cooperate designing and delivering innovative curricula in skills for Green Jobs in Uganda

EU-Programme: Erasmus+, Capacity Building in VET
Coordination: Infodef (Spain)

Duration: December 2023 – November 2026



GreenVET4U project AIMS to build the capacity of VET providers and private entities to cooperate designing and delivering innovative curricula in Skills for Green Jobs in Uganda, enhancing this way the labour market relevance of skills provision in the country. To do so, the project partners will cocreate a set of innovative training contents and digital supported tools to upskill Ugandan VET practitioners and in-company trainers, target users of the project, to Design and Delivery Innovative Curricula in Skills for Green Jobs. They will test their skills during the project adapting the design of innovative curricula to the eco-tourism and waste-management related jobs, providing in-company work-based learning experiences to young people, women and migrants from unprivileged communities in Uganda, target beneficiaries of the project, to test innovative practices to prepare learners and VET providers to become true agents of change and create inclusive environments that foster equity and equality, and that are responsive to the needs of the wider community.

To this aim, the project has gathered an alliance of six partner organisations active in the field of VET from Uganda and the EU Member States of Spain, Germany and Italy. They will work together setting up an EU-Uganda Community of Practice, also involving an extensive network of private-public stakeholders, to co-design and co-create the following set of INNOVATIVE RESOURCES and DIGITAL SUPPORTED TOOLS:

  • A virtual collaborative space and innovation lab to support the activity of a Community of Practice of VET providers and practitioners of Uganda, Spain, Germany, Italy and other EU Member States – A Competences Matrix on Design and Delivery of Innovative Curricula in Skills for Green Jobs. 
  • A tailored Training Programme addressed to Ugandan VET practitioners and in-company trainers to upskill their competences to design sector and job specific curricula for green jobs, to be delivered in both VET centres and high-quality inclusive work-based learning programmes in companies and other non-for-profit entities.
  • An advanced multifunctional Online Platform to support online training provision and management and provide access to information and resources
  • An innovative WebApp solution to support the assessment and validation of learning outcomes in VET and the certification of Micro-credentials.
  • Guidelines for Validation, Certification and Accreditation of Skills for Green Jobs through Micro-credentials, a document of reference for VET practitioners, authorities and policy makers to boost the recognition and validation of green skills for green jobs in Uganda through Micro-credentials.
Project Nº 101129455 – ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.