
Alliance of Centres of Excellence in Vocational Training for Sustainable Habitat
EU-Programme: Centres of Excellence in Vocational Training
Coordination: AEICE – Clúster Hábitat Eficiente (Spain)
Duration: June 2023 – May 2027
The HABITABLE project aims to respond to the challenges and needs of the Habitat sector in terms of skills shortage and mismatches derived from the digital and green transition, improving the responsiveness of the VET systems to these changes while promoting inclusion and equity in education.
To this aim the project will co-create a Platform of Centres of Vocational Excellence for Sustainable Habitat, building a ‘skills ecosystem’ together with a wide range of other local and regional partners, working also with centres of professional excellence in other countries through networks of international collaboration.
The project HABITABLE is promoted by an international collaborative network of CoVEs , involving a wide range of local and regional PARTNERS from Spain, Portugal, Austria and Greece, working also in cooperation with centres of vocational excellence of Georgia and Moldova, both members of the international Network for Excellence (ENE) promoted by the European Training Foundation (ETF).
Together, they will co-design and co-create during the project innovative solutions to address four functional areas, strategic for the participant CoVEs:
- Skills Intelligence : addresses the need of smart tools and methods to generate, process, interconnect and display relevant data and updated information to guide the actions of the Habitat sector skills ecosystem, to align the training offer with the needs of the labour market, support career guidance and the design of flexible learning pathways.
The project will address this need by developing the following set of innovative resources:
- the SMART SIP, Skills Intelligence Platform and Monitoring System for the Habitat sector,
- the Habitat Sector Skills Landscape ,
- the Skills Intelligence Monitoring System,
- the Sector Map of Jobs and Skills and
- the TOP HABITAT Training Offer Panel.
- Dual VET and WBL : addresses the need to support SMEs and VET centres to cooperate and boost quality and innovative digital, green, inclusive and equitable Dual VET, apprenticeship and WBL.
The project will address this need with:
- the DUAL Online Centre,
- the CoVEs Online Collaborative Space ,
- a Community of Practice in WBL Excellence ,
- the Incubator of Business-Education Partnerships ,
- the SMEs Quality Apprenticeships Supporting Programme,
- the Training course on design and management of Green, Digital and Inclusive Apprenticeship, and
- the WBL for ALL Space, that includes the Bank of Good Practices in promoting Social Inclusion, diversity and equity through WBL and the guide with Recommendations for the Habitat skills ecosystems to promote social inclusion diversity and equity in apprenticeships .
- Skills Training, Certification and Career Guidance : addresses the need to provide market relevant skills including those necessary for the green and digital transitions, create innovative curricula, facilitate flexible training and learning pathways, design and apply innovative learner-centred teaching methods supported by digital tools and Extended
Reality technologies, support upskill and reskill of adult learners and SME, the certification of Micro-credentials and the recognition of prior learning, support career guidance and promote social inclusion, equality, equity and non-discrimination.
The project will address this need with:
- the SKILLS HUB, containing an Online Training Centre , the Training programme for TRAINERS , the Training Programme for SMEs and the Training programme for VET learners,
- the Innovative Curricula Digital Database,
- the MIC – Micro-credentials Certification Centre,
- the Career Guidance Space , a functional area that includes the SMART Career Guidance Assistant and
- the Career Guidance Handbook for the Habitat sector.
- Skills ecosystems Governance, Strategy and Cooperation : addresses the need to support the network of CoVEs, underpin the Habitat skills ecosystem, strengthen international cooperation for excellence and support transnational mobility for VET educators and learners.
The project will address this need with:
- the Habitat Sector Skills Strategy,
- the Recommendations for the implementation of a regional and local strategy for upward convergence of CoVEs,
- the Skills Ecosystem INNOVATION TANK and
- the Co-creation LAB of new projects for CoVEs.
Project Nº2021-1-BE01-KA220-SCH-000024579
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.