


Empowerment of children and prevention of violence, negligence, harassment and abuse in sport

EU-Programme: Erasmus+, SPORT, Collaborative partnerships
Coordination: Youth Sport Foundation, Madrid, Spain
Duration: April 2017 – June 2020


The objective of this project is:

The development of a European online Platform for the Protection of Children in Sport (i-Protect) targeted at grassroots organizations and with the participation of the minor athletes, their families, coaches and sport managers. The successful completion of the platform program will grant the participating organizations with a government-supported and government-approved “i-Protect Seal” in sport.

The platform will serve as a tool for the empowerment of children and the prevention of violence, negligence, harassment and abuse in the context of physical activities and sport. It is a unique opportunity to put into practice the results of the research and recommendations made on the subject within the EU framework in recent years. Addressing and involving the final users directly, in their own terms, with their own interactive tools and in a language that they can understand will help sports organizations minimize the risk of children suffering violence and abuse in the context of sport.

PROJECT NUMBER 2017-2531/001-001


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.