New competency and professional development for sustainable rural development and social inclusion across Europe
EU-Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training
Coordination: Fundacja Instytut Badań Nad Demokracją I Przedsiebiorstwem Prywatnym (Poland)
Duration: September 2017 – August 2019
The European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on “Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability” for the period from 2014-2020 aims to address probably the two most fundamental challenges faced by European agriculture in the early 21st century – how to increase production and productivity in order to respond to the significant growth in global food demand (caused by population growth, changes in dietary patterns and the slowdown in productivity growth); and how to improve sustainability and resource efficiency (e.g. inputs of water, energy, fertilisers and pesticides) and address environmental issues (such as biodiversity loss). In short, it will address the challenges of “not only how to produce more, but also how to produce better”.
As part of innovation support services, “innovation brokering” could have an important role in discovering innovative ideas, facilitating the start-up of operational groups, notably by acting as a go-between who connects innovation actors (farmers, researchers, advisors, NGO’s, etc.) in interactive innovation projects. An “innovation broker” aims to discover bottom-up initiatives, help to refine innovative ideas, and provide support for finding partners and funding (public and private).
The key objectives of the project are:
- Design a high quality-training pathway as wells as the skills & competencies for Innovation Brokers in Agriculture harmonized with the EQF and CVET system.
- Promote/Improve and extend the offer of high quality learning opportunities tailored to individual young-adult learners (IBs), including innovative ways of outreach and delivery.
- Increase the entrepreneurial expertise and trigger the development of rural area (farmers) through the innovation broker service.
Project Nº 2017-1-PL01-KA202-038382
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.