Design and testing new frameworks for the transfer and recognition of organic livestock management skills in Europe
EU-Programme: Leonardo da Vinci, Multilateral Projects
Coordination: ERIFO – Entre per la Ricerca e la Fromazione (Italy)
Duration: December 2013 – December 2015
The main topic, object of the Project LivOrg, is the organic livestock management area. Organic livestock is right one of the areas where the skills of organic farmers are most important and most frequently called upon and where organic farmers are requested to have well skilled professional producers. There are many practices and principles involved in this field, all of which are designed to provide livestock with comfortable and stress-free lives in accordance with their natural needs.
Aims of the project
- Increase the awareness of organic livestock management to meet the sector and policymakers needs in the EU improving the system to be competitive with conventional processes.
- Extend the sector skills alliance activities reinforcing the effective cooperation between organic famers and stakeholders.
- Develop and deliver a specific-sector curriculum with a stronger package of “VET“ Units in organic livestock management, strongly connected with EQF and ECVET system.
- Improve the quality of training systems through the development of innovative contents, methods and procedures within VET system.
- Creation of a pilot VET curriculum for organic livestock production. This will be modular curriculum and available in different versions for different target groups.
- Design and implementation of a pilot training course of 80 hours in all partner country, with the aim of testing the developed curricula.
- Form a “focus group organic livestock” in each partner country with stakeholders from businesses and educational institutions to discuss the actions and results of the project.
- Development of counseling methods to support entry of members of ethnic minorities into organic livestock production.
- Development of an evaluation system to measure the results of training and education that is based on the European evaluation standards in education (EQARF).
- Development of a compendium on educational content and evaluation results.
- Realise a workshop in each of the 6 project partner countries to present the project results and the explain of the curricula.
- Creation of videos for the presentation and dissemination of the developed training programms in the languages of the project partners.
- Creation of a “fan page” for social networks to inform young people, students, teachers, interested citizens on organic livestock production.
The main results of the LivOrg are:
- Two pilot counselling labs for innovative methods.
- An Evaluation and Validation Portafolio.
- A LivOrg Compendium.
- LivOrg Video-Lessons and Trailer to present and promote the benefits of the training programs.
Project Nº 539313-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-LEONARDO-LMP
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.