MOMDIG – Migramoms in a digital world
EU-Programme: Erasmus+ , KA2, Strategic Partnerships for School Education
Coordination: Stiftelsen Mangfold i arbeidslivet – MiA (Norway)
Duration: February 2022 – August 2024
The MOMDIG project focuses on empowering stay-at-home migrant mothers by developing a comprehensive training course. This course aims to identify, map, and enhance their non-formal, informal, and formal skills and competences to improve their employability and facilitate their entry into the labor market without extensive re-education. The project utilizes a two-pronged approach: first, identifying existing competencies and skills among migrant mothers and helping them transfer these to formal employment opportunities, and second, assisting mothers in overcoming cultural barriers they may face during their entry into the labor force. The training course aligns with EU standards for qualification assessments and employability to ensure recognition of informal learning in a professional context. Additionally, the project develops a training program for trainers and educators to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the training for mothers. Outputs include a pedagogical handbook for stakeholders interested in using the project’s results, ultimately aiming to provide tools for upskilling, enhancing digital competences, and empowering mothers for employability and entrepreneurship.
Project Nº 2021-1-NO01-KA220-ADU-000028433
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.