Empowering young migrants by employability skills through biographic work and elements of drama
EU-Programme: Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation
Coordination: BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH (Austria)
Duration: November 2013 – October 2015
All over Europe, unemployment figures among young people (16-25) are alarmingly high. More than 50% of Spanish youngsters are out of job (EUROSTAT 12/2012). The situation in Greece and Portugal is currently heading into a similarly bad direction: in Greece, for instance, 60% of all unemployed are under 25 (Greek National Labour Institute 2012). Even in Austria, the percentage of young unemployed is considerably higher than the overall unemployment: almost 10% of young compared with an overall of 4% in Austria (Statistik Austria 2012). Strikingly, among these young unemployed, the group of those showing migration background is overrepresented. Young migrants (first or second generation) do generally show higher school dropout rates, considerably lower participation in higher and further education and, as a consequence, receive less access to high-profiled jobs, which often makes their economic and social inclusion much more difficult.
Aims and target group
The project “ON STAGE – Empowering young migrants by employability skills through biographic work and elements of drama” is a transfer of two successful previous projects, which aims at providing concrete solutions for this need by introducing new forms of empowerment into Vocational Education and Training, as well as into counselling, more specifically by combining biographic learning models with drama activity techniques when working with young migrant learners and clients.
Partners and Outcomes
The consortium is composed of 5 partners coming from Norway, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Austria, whose extensive knowledge aims to provide the following outcomes:
- ON STAGE Handbook for VET trainers and counsellors providing didactic knowledge.
- ON STAGE Practice Set delivering exercises and materials for VET.
- ON STAGE ECVET Kit enabling providers and learners to measure their learning success, and
YOUNGSTERS ON STAGE Workshop with produced scenarios.
Project N°2013 – 1-NO1-LEO05-06159
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.