

Aprendizaje intergeneracional y validación de competencias en sectores artesanales a través de las tecnologías digitales

EU-Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education
Coordination: Coopérative d’activité et d’emploi Work in SCOP (France)

Duration: October 2020 – September 2022




Crafts and SMEs act as an important buffer in economic downturns and are much more reluctant to dismiss employees in difficult times. Crafts also play a central role in providing VET on the job, both highly relevant for the transition from education to employment and to ensure a qualified workforce.

The last two decades some traditional crafts have declined due to mass production and rising consumerism, leading to a devaluing of craft as a practice and reduced sharing of

traditional crafting skills. Others have evolved, embracing the digital age, particularly in marketing their products and engaging with new clients, collaborators and audiences.

An Intergenerational Learning approach combined with the use of smart and friendly digital technologies to support the teaching learning process could be the common pedagogical answer to meet the two previous needs. It could also be a good option to improve and extend the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual low skilled or low-qualified adults, enhancing at the same time their digital competences.

The aim of the RENOUVAL project is to design new training pathways in craft sectors based on intergenerational learning, putting in contact craft professionals with low-qualified young

adults in order to offer, to both of them, new opportunities for the up-skilling and validation of competencies, supported by accessible and easy to use digital tools, including game based learning apps and multimedia tools, like video tutorials and video case studies.

To do so, the consortium will be developed the followings products through digital technologies, including:

– A Training Curriculum on intergenerational learning and validation of skills in craft sectors (IO1)

– A Digital Gamification Tool (IO2) and a Digital Assessment Tool (IO3)

– A Training Tool and Evaluation Method (IO4)

– A Set of Instructional Videos (IO5)

Project Nº 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080372

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.