

Seniors Perceive A Common Europe

EU-Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Adult education
Coordination: CHAM (Germany)

Duration: December 2022 – November 2024



Objectives: Enriching Adult and Senior Education

Currently, the “Seniors Perceive A Common Europe” project pursues two main objectives. The first is to equip adult education providers and trainers with resources to develop a common European identity, key competences, and sustainable thinking, focusing on the cultural heritage of senior citizens by utilising their real-life experiences and cultural heritage knowledge. The second objective is to empower seniors through non-formal learning opportunities and exchanges, enabling them to acquire more key competences and new perspectives on European identity.

Implementation: Diverse Activities for Learning

The project involves collaboration from five partner organisations from Germany, Bulgaria, Spain, Sweden, and Italy. Activities include:

    • Development of a teacher handbook and learning frameworks based on LifeComp.
    • A blended learning Empowerment Course for seniors covering five thematic areas: nutrition, health, home management, self-determined consumer behaviour, and environmental behaviour.
    • Creation of a Digital Exhibition and Digital Trails in Europe, based on the five thematic areas.
    • Five European Exchanges for seniors to experience other cultures.
    • Multiplier Events.

Results: Improvements and Educational Resources

Various outcomes from the SPACE project are expected, for both adult education and seniors, as well as the general public, including:

    • A handbook on Life Skills with best practices, implementation ideas, and five learning frameworks, available in six languages.
    • Curricula and concepts for Senior Empowerment Courses for the five thematic areas, in six languages.
    • A digital platform on Life Skills with 100 exhibits, in six languages.
    • Five thematic Digital Trails on Life Skills in Europe, in six languages.
    • Five regional Digital Trails on Life Skills in Germany, Bulgaria, Spain, Sweden, and Italy.
Project Nº 2022-1-DE02_KA220_ADU-000088807

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.