

Access to guidance, training and validation of non-formal and informal learning for migrant women working in care sectors


EU-Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education
Coordination: IFRTS (France)

Duration: October 2020 – September 2022


WE CARE project aims to address the described needs and challenges by designing and co-creating new methods and tools addressed to adult education teachers, counsellors and guidance personnel in order to support innovative practices in guidance, training and validation of non-formal and informal learning of migrant women working in care sectors in Europe.

To this purpose, six partner organizations, including experts in training and guidance in Adult Education, recognition, validation and entities supporting migrant women in the labour market, from five countries (France, Greece, Ireland, Spain and Turkey) shall work together to:

– Identify, process, gather and disseminate useful resources related with the field of supporting migrant women working in care sectors (IO1- Digital Library of good practices and resources)

– Define and support the recognition of the skills, knowledge and competences that Adult education teachers, counsellors and guidance personnel requires to effectively provide

guidance, training and validation of non-formal and informal learning for migrant women working in care sectors (IO 2 –Training Curriculum)

– Elaborate a useful Open Educational Resource with concepts, methodologies and approaches of reference for practitioners (IO 3- WE CARE Manual)

– Design practical activities, based on WE CARE Manual, to support teachers, counsellors and guidance personnel (IO 4 – WE CARE Toolkit)

The main target users of the project products are Adult education teachers, counsellors and guidance personnel. Final beneficiaries are migrant women working in care sectors.

WE CARE shall improve and strengthen the Adult education system by offering innovative approaches and contents to provide access to guidance, training and validation of non formal and informal learning, and will have a direct impact in the skills improvement of Adult education teachers, counsellors and guidance personnel and in the migrant women, opening for them new skills pathways and job opportunities as care professionals in Europe.


Project Nº2020-1-FR01-KA204-080142

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.