

Supporting teachers and youth workers to promote and protect Youth Mental Health at School

EU-Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for School Education
Coordination: Kinonikes Sineteristikes Drastiriotites Efpathon Omadon EDRA (Greece)

Duration: February 2022 – January 2024




As covered by the World Health Organisation (WHO): Well-being and a positive mental health status are key aspects for every human. Exposure to adverse experiences and situations in childhood and adolescence can significantly affect mental well-being many years into the future, as, for example, the early leaving of the school system, the increase substance use or criminal behaviour in adolescence, which in turn increase the likelihood of exposure to other established risk factors in adulthood, such as unemployment, debt, and social exclusion.

These adverse experiences can happen mainly in two environments: Family and School. Regarding the family, each adolescent should have at least one caring adult nevertheless it’s needed to highlight that inside these family environments, adolescents may also include on this level peers and young references such as youth workers that they have a high connection with.

Recognised as the other environment that will shape an adolescent, the school gives few chances to treat mental health and this treatment can be biased since there’s a lack of available training for non-health professionals. This issue raises the stigmatization and the reluctance to seek help.

Teachers and Youth Workers are recognised as the professionals with daily contact with the adolescents but these professionals neither have the materials or tools to promote and protect neither the youth’s nor their own Mental Health.

The aim of YAMH – Equipping teachers and youth workers to promote and protect Youth Mental Health at School (YAMH) is to equip these professionals (teachers and Youth Workers) to promote and protect Youth Mental Health at School to tackle the aforementioned risks as well as supporting the well-being and mental health at schools for learners as well as educators

    Project Nº2021-1-EL01-KA220-SCH-000032845

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.