

Continuous improvement of the Employability Assessment

EU-Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Coordination: Le Centre de Formation Professionnelle du Midi (France)
Duration: October 2016 – September 2018

The ASSESS project will contribute to the professionalization of the workers in training and professional insertion (trainers, coaches, OF, members of associations to help to return to employment, responsible and who accompany the sites of insertion, business of the social economy, etc.) by raising awareness and by equipping a shared assessment tool and a method of key skills for employment. This approach will take into account the specificities of the beneficiaries (youth and adults in training and/or job search) and the requirements of the jobs from the point of view of the company and in line with the needs of the present business sectors on the employment areas.

This process of continuous assessment, close to the continuous improvement of the quality approach, will give opportunities to advance and greater responsiveness of support players who will be able to more effectively manage the evolution of the course and propose adjustments, adapted to the individual situations of the people.

Indeed, different types of brakes block access to employment for young people and adults little or unskilled, low level of education (NEETS) often little incentive to participate in training schemes. To overcome these problems it is essential to work to reduce the gaps of learning which contribute to marginalise them by providing appropriate responses in terms of content and innovative pedagogical approaches, but especially to come to enhance their knowledge and their progress so they are invested on the duration and that they can measure the impact of their efforts on their professional future.

The expected results of the ASSESS project are:

  • A framework of competencies for the job and ASSESS indicators. The skills identified will be both social, behavioural, cross-cutting. Coaches, trainers and the company will be able to select the skills to acquire and validate according to the individual project of each beneficiary within the frame of reference.
  • A guide to recommendations for improvement continues of employability.
  • An assessment tool focused on indicators of performance and importance in correlation with the individual project and the requirements of the company.
  • Good practices and recommendations for the implementation of the process
  • Strategies for the development of the ASSESS approach within partner countries and networks involved in the insertion of the farthest people of employment.
  • Communication and dissemination within each of the partner countries of the project events of the beginning of the project.
  • identification of transfer and adaptability to the breast of each partner country and formalized in the form of a business plan for the future.
Project Nº 2016-1-FR01-KA204-024183

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.